HIRTA is excited to announce we are starting a new RSVP. I sat down with Mildred Chihak and Brooke Ramsey to talk about this program. Mildred is HIRTA’s new volunteer coordinator and Brooke is the business development manager.
Tell me a little bit about the scope of the RSVP.
RSVP stands for Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. The program began as an outgrowth by private groups and government agencies to create opportunities of engagement, activity, and growth for older Americans. Our main focus is transportation, nutrition and companionship. And then we’ll also be looking into what our volunteers are interested in doing in their community.
Will the RSVP be available in all counties?
Our goal is to ensure there is a volunteer driver program in each of our seven counties. However, there are some established RSVPs. We don’t want to duplicate existing programs, however, we want to enhance the established RSVPs by adding volunteer driver programs. We were awarded a grant to start a brand new RSVP for two counties, Madison and Marion.
In Boone county, we have partnered with the existing Boone RSVP to provide transportation for their program.
In Dallas and Warren counties, we have partnered with the United Way of Central Iowa to provide transportation.
How is this program funded?
Each county’s RSVP is funded through county-specific grants from AmeriCorps which is a federal agency whose mission is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering. A local match is required and the sources vary by community.
So there are three branches of the program - food assistance, companionship and transportation. Can you tell me a bit about each of these?
For nutrition and companionship, we develop an individualized plan based on the person's needs. With transportation, we have volunteer drivers to take people to their medical appointments, pharmacy, and grocery shopping.
What is the goal for the number of volunteers in each county?
Our goal is to get 75 volunteers in each county throughout the three-year grant cycle.
Why should people sign up and volunteer?
In addition to providing valuable services to individuals and communities, volunteers are also living active lives through volunteering. A growing body of research shows an association between volunteering and mental and physical health benefits. In particular, older volunteers report lower mortality rates, lower rates of depression, fewer physical limitations, and higher levels of well-being than those in the same demographic who do not volunteer.
What do the volunteers do?
They drive people to medical appointments, the pharmacy, and grocery stores. For companionship outings, they meet with clients and provide services identified in their individual plan.
How do people sign up to volunteer or reach out for assistance?
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or are in need of assistance, visit our website at
to apply or learn more about the program. If you don’t have access to the internet or would prefer to apply over the phone or by mail, please call our toll-free number at
1 (877) 686-0029
or email
Who qualifies for assistance?
We focus on older adults, people with disabilities, veterans and people with low income. If you’re not sure if you qualify, please email our Volunteer Coordinator at
Any other last things you’d like to mention?
RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and older. RSVP in Iowa began in 1972. Each year in Iowa, approximately 5,000 RSVP Volunteers serve 350,000 hours. There are more than 310 RSVP volunteers across the state who are assisting Public Health with COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Volunteers are administering immunizations, staffing call centers to schedule appointments, taking temperatures and screening patients, assisting with registration and data entry, helping staff off-site clinics, providing rides to vaccination appointments, and more! We’re very excited to get this program going so that we can make a positive impact in our community.