- All passengers must have seat belt, child car seat or wheelchair restraints in use while the vehicle is moving.
- Please do not tamper with vehicle and/or transit equipment, as it may be needed to help you someday.
- For the safety of all riders, please wait until the driver has stopped driving to ask questions.
- Fighting, throwing things, pushing, shouting, spitting, vulgar language, lewd or inappropriate behavior, vandalism, smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited on the bus.
- Your hands and any personal objects are to be kept to yourself. Touching other customers is not allowed without their permission.
- Food and drinks must be in a closed spill-proof container. Refrain from eating on the bus, unless medically necessary.
- Reasonable hygiene is expected so as not to cause an adverse effect on HIRTA's ability to provide an acceptable service for the public.
- Aisles are to be kept clear of any obstacles (strollers, packages, etc. must be kept under the seats).
- Please understand we must accommodate all riders, bags are limited to what fits in your seating space.
- Pets must be in a proper carrier. Service animals are exempt as they are not considered pets.
- Do not pet guide dogs or other service animals without the permission of the owner.
- Please remember this is your bus... keep it clean; don't litter or vandalize. Report any problems or concerns to the driver or HIRTA
- Reasonable accommodations may be available upon request.
- HIRTA reserves the right to refuse service for violation of policy.
Failure to comply with the above expectations may result in appropriate legal and/or disciplinary actions, including suspension from using HIRTA services. For more information on HIRTA's service policies, click