With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that HIRTA adapts quickly in order to best serve our communities. Due to this, HIRTA has updated our Service Policies.
HIRTA’s operating hours in the city of Newton is now Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We have also made changes to our no-show and cancellation policies.
No-shows and same day cancellations are financially detriment to HIRTA’s operations. We schedule and pay drivers based on trips to be taken. When people cancel and no-show, our drivers still get paid. Additionally, if you are scheduled to ride, then we have a seat on the bus saved for you, and may have told another rider we didn’t have room for them.
A passenger will be suspended from HIRTA service for 2 days if they have 3 or more no-shows in a 30-day period of time.
• First occurrence - 2 consecutive day suspension
• Second occurrence - 3 consecutive day suspension
• Third occurrence - 5 consecutive day suspension
• Fourth occurrence - 8 consecutive day suspension
• Fifth occurrence - 10 consecutive day suspension
• Sixth occurrence - 15 consecutive day suspension
At the discretion of HIRTA’s Customer Service Supervisor, no-shows or late cancellations may not be counted when there are situations beyond the rider’s control.
For the full service policies document and to view HIRTA’s other policies, you may visit our website at www.ridehirta.com/policies.
Lastly, we want to thank HIRTA’s drivers, employees and our great customers! We truly appreciate everyone’s cooperation and understanding during this trying time. Stay safe, and ride HIRTA.